Quality Assurance and reproducibility in PDE software frameworks

The Workshop Quality Assurance and reproducibility in PDE software frameworks will be held on May 31st 2018 on the island of Lygra near Bergen, Norway. It is a satellite workshop to PDESoft18 in Bergen. The workshop aims at providing a forum for developers of PDE software to exchange experiences and ideas regarding the quality assurance in PDE software frameworks and the reproducibility of numerical simulation.

Contributions describing experiences and approaches to the following topics are welcome:

  • Automated Testing of PDE frameworks
  • Reproducibility of simulation results
  • Archivability of numerical codes and data
  • Reusable software design

The venue is also available on June 1st, the day after the workshop. You can use this to schedule meetings with collaborators and continue discussion with other participants. This follows the tradition of previous PDESoft conferences being followed by so called coding days.

This workshop marks the completion of the project Quality Assurance in software frameworks on the example of Dune/PDELab/Dumux funded by the MWK Baden Württemberg, the SimTech Cluster of Excellence and the IWR Heidelberg.

Invited speakers

Important dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: April 27th 2018 (extended deadline)
  • Workshop date: May 31st 2018
  • Coding day: June 1st 2018

Please send your abstracts via mail to dominic.kempf@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de. It is possible to present at both PDESoft and this workshop. We have decided to extend the abstract submission deadline until PDESoft registration deadline, as many participants learn about the workshop through the registration procedure.


The workshop takes place at the Lyngheisenteret, a beautiful place in the fjords near Bergen. The venue offers a total of 22 beds in double rooms reserved for the workshop, which will be available to participants free of charge. The island of Lygra can be reached by ferry from the city of Bergen. The ferry transport for PDESoft paricipants will be done jointly on Wednesday afternoon. To return from Lygra to Bergen, there is two ferries per day, at 10:55 and at 19:55. The island is also connected to the mainland via bridge, so there is also buses and taxis available. It is also possible to stay on Lygra until Saturday, June 2nd. It is not necessary to book this beforehand, we will ask participants about their individual travel arrangements during PDESoft.


If you are also attending PDESoft18, please indicate that you wish to attend the workshop when registering for PDESoft. If you only plan to attend the workshop, send us an informal registration mail to dominic.kempf@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de. There is a conference fee of 500 NOK, which includes meals and accomodation.

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