DUNE/PDELab Course (March 4 - March 8, 2019)


The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE) is a software framework for the numerical solution of partial differential equations with grid-based methods. Using generic programming techniques it strives for both: high flexibility (efficiency of the programmer) and high performance (efficiency of the program). DUNE provides, among other things, a large variety of local mesh refinement techniques, a scalable parallel programming model, an ample collection of finite element methods and efficient linear solvers.

DUNE-PDELab is a powerful tool for implementing discretisations of partial-differential equations. It helps to substantially reduce the time to implement discretizations and solvers for (systems of) PDEs based on DUNE. It is not only suitable for rapid prototyping but also for building highly performant simulation software and is used by a variety of projects already.

This one week course will provide an introduction to the most important DUNE modules and especially to DUNE-PDELab. At the end the attendees will have a solid knowledge of the simulation workflow from mesh generation and implementation of finite element and finite volume methods to visualization of the results. Topics covered are the solution of stationary and time-dependent problems, as well as local adaptivity, the use of parallel computers and the solution of non-linear PDE’s and systems of PDE’s.

  • Review of C++ programming techniques
  • DUNE Grid interface
  • Grid IO (pre- and postprocessing)
  • Mesh Adaptivity
  • Parallel Computations
  • Iterative Solvers
  • Nonlinear Problems
  • Time-dependent Problems

Participant Information / Schedule

A PDF with some information for the participants and a detailed schedule is now available here.


Lectures and registration will take place in room 05.104 of the Mathematikon, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205.


Participants will work on their own laptops using a virtual machine. Please bring your laptop with Virtualbox (>= 6.0) preinstalled. You can download virtualbox from https://www.virtualbox.org/. If you have a Linux-based laptop, you can also work directly in your normal environment. Please contact us if you need further information.

The venue is equipped with eduroam, so if your institution is an eduroam member, please make sure to set up access before the course.

If you are not able to bring a laptop, please contact us as soon as possible.


Successful participation requires knowledge of object-oriented programming using C++ including generic programming with templates (this knowledge will be brushed up on the first day of the course). A solid background on numerical methods for the solution of PDEs is expected.


The participants are kindly requested to make hotel reservations individually. We can recommend the following hotels:

There is also an possibility to book hotels online at http://www.heidelberg-marketing.de/en.html.



Registration is possible until February 22, 2019.

Registration Fee

The registration fee covers:

  • Course materials
  • Lunch
  • Coffee breaks
  • Icebreaker
  • Participation at the course dinner.

Please make sure that payments arrive on time. If you can’t meet the deadline we will have to ask you to pay cash onsite.


Registration fees must be payed in advance via bank transfer. Any bank and transfer fees must be payed by the participant. If you positively cannot pay on time, you will have to pay in cash onsite.

As posting reference (Buchungsvermerk) note:


For a participant Martin Mustermann you would write

7809347/Mustermann Martin

Bank account data:

IBAN: DE69 6005 0101 7421 5004 36

University Bank Information (in German).

If you have any inquiries, e.g. about the payment process or the venue, please contact Felicitas Hirsch (Sekretariat.Bastian@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de).

Registration Form

Registration is closed.

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