
  author = {P. Bastian and K. Johannsen and V. Reichenberger},
  title = {{UG Tutorial}},
  year = {1999},
  pdf = {../pdf/BastianJohannsenReichenberger_1999.pdf}
  author = {P. Bastian},
  title = {Paralleles {R}echnen},
  year = {2008},
  note = {Vorlesungsskript},
  pdf = {../pdf/ParallelesRechnen_WS0809.pdf},
  institution = {Uni Heidelberg}
  author = {P. Bastian},
  title = {Parallele {L}{\"{o}}ung gro{\ss}er linearer {G}leichungssysteme},
  year = {2009},
  note = {Vorlesungsskript},
  pdf = {../pdf/ParSolve_SS09.pdf},
  institution = {Uni Heidelberg}
  author = {P. Bastian},
  title = {Informatik {I} --- {P}rogrammieren und {S}oftwaretechnik},
  year = {2001},
  note = {Vorlesungsskript},
  pdf = {../pdf/Bastian_Info1_2002.pdf},
  institution = {Uni Heidelberg}
  author = {P. Bastian},
  title = {Numerische und stochastische {G}rundlagen der {I}nformatik},
  year = {2009},
  note = {Vorlesungsskript},
  pdf = {../pdf/NumStoch_WS0809.pdf},
  institution = {Uni Stuttgart}
  author = {P. Bastian},
  title = {Numerik partieller {D}ifferentialgleichungen},
  year = {2008},
  note = {Vorlesungsskript},
  pdf = {../pdf/NumPDE_WS0708.pdf},
  institution = {Uni Stuttgart}
  author = {P. Bastian},
  title = {Finite-{E}lement-{V}erfahren und schnelle {L}{\"{o}}ser},
  year = {2008},
  note = {Vorlesungsskript},
  pdf = {../pdf/FiniteElement_SS08.pdf},
  institution = {Uni Stuttgart}
  author = {P. Bastian},
  title = {Grundlagen der {M}odellbildung und {S}imulation},
  year = {2008},
  note = {Vorlesungsskript},
  pdf = {../pdf/ModSim_SS08.pdf},
  institution = {Uni Stuttgart}

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