University of Heidelberg

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Hauptseminar Paralleles Rechnen

Ort und Zeit

Donnerstags, 14-16 Uhr, Raum 248, INF 368


Datum Vortragender Titel/Bemerkung
18.10.2012 Felix Heimann Tutorial: Scientific cluster computing on Amazon's elastic cloud
25.10.2012 Christian Schwarz Überlappender Schwarz Vorkonditionierer auf der GPU
1.11.2012 Feiertag fällt aus
8.11.2012 Peter Bastian Adaptivität für parabolische PDEs
15.11.2012 Felix Heimann The Unfitted Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Multi-Phase Flow
22.11.2012 Natasha Sharma A posteriori error analysis of an adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin method for the H(curl)-elliptic boundary value problem and the Helmholtz equation
29.11.2012 fällt aus
6.12.2012 Jurgis Pods Nikolaus lecture: "From Ions to Brain Waves" - Models of the Axonal Membrane and Surrounding Fluids Based on the PNP Equations of Electrodiffusion
13.12.2012 Steffen Müthing Introduction to git
20.12.2012 Rebecca Neumann Compositional Two-Phase Flow with Disappearing Nonwetting Phase - Modeling and Numerical Simulation of CO2 Sequestration
3.1.2013 vorlesungsfrei fällt aus
10.1.2013 Adrian Ngo Discontinuous Galerkin based Geostatistical Inversion
17.1.2013 Pavel Hron
24.1.2013 Dominik Kempf Adaptive Refinement for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
31.1.2013 Guido Kanschat Locally conservative finite element methods for coupled Stokes and Darcy problems
7.2.2013 Jens Fielenbach, Friedrich Feuerstein student seminar talk 2
Ende der Vorlesungszeit

Revision: 1490     Last changed: 2013-01-24 16