University of Heidelberg

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During practical simulation one often has the problem to visualize data that have been computed in a experiment. A possibility is the writing of VTK files, that can be visualized with the software Paraview
. The files end typically with .vtp, .vtu or similar. The ending characterises the type of stored data, here for example polygonal or unstructured data sets. Besides there are further parallel variants, whose ending starts with p.

First Steps

In the pool the software can simply be started with


If you login with ssh, do not forget that the redirection of graphics output from pool machines on your local computer is performed with the option -X,
      ssh -X
otherwise you get an error message.

Loading of Data


For time series you just open the first file, the rest is loaded consecutively.

Revision: 2242     Last changed: 2016-10-07 11