Finite Elements

Finite Elements
Term: Winter Term 2021/22
Lecturer: Peter Bastian
Time and location: Mi 9-11, INF 205/SR C; Fr 9-11, INF 205/SR C
Exam: to be announced


This lecture gives an introduction to the numerical solution of partial differential equations with the finite element method:

  • Modelling with partial differential equations (PDEs)
  • Theory of elliptic PDEs
  • Finite element method for elliptic PDEs
  • A posteriori error control and adaptive mesh refinement
  • Multigrid methods
  • Numerical methods for parabolic PDEs
  • Numerical methods for first-order hyperbolic PDEs

Course Organization

The course will be given in person in seminar room C every Wednesday and Friday, 9:15 to 10:45. I will write the material on my tablet and record my writing with audio.

Additional resources for the lecture are

  • Moodle page where I will upload the lecture videos and other course material. Use of the discussion forum is encouraged as well. Inscription should be possible without key.
  • MÜSLI, which is used for the exercise and exam grading.

Lecture Material

Motivation Lecture 20.10.2021

Lecture notes (18.10.2021)

Updated lecture notes (15.2.2022)


You can register in MÜSLI

Module dune-npde

Exercise 0 (26.10.2021)

Exercise 1 ( 1.11.2021)

Exercise 2 ( 8.11.2021)

Exercise 3 (15.11.2021)

Exercise 4 (22.11.2021)

Exercise 5 (29.11.2021)

Exercise 6 ( 6.12.2021)

Exercise 7 (13.12.2021)

Exercise 8 (10.1.2022)

Exercise 9 (17.1.2022)

Exercise 10 (24.1.2022)

Exercise 11 (31.1.2022)

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