Finite Elements

Finite Elements
Term: Winter Term 2017/18
Lecturer: Peter Bastian
Time and location: Di 14-16, INF 205/SR B; Do 14-16, INF 205/SR B
Exam: to be announced

This lecture gives an introduction to the numerical solution of partial differential equations with the finite element method:

  • Modelling with partial differential equations (PDEs)
  • Theory of elliptic PDEs
  • Finite element method for elliptic PDEs
  • A posteriori error control and adaptive mesh refinement
  • Multigrid methods
  • Numerical methods for parabolic PDEs
  • Numerical methods for first-order hyperbolic PDEs

Lecture Material

Motivation Lecture 17.10.2017

Lecture notes (09.10.2017)

Lecture notes on hyperbolic problems(30.01.2018)

Excercise Material

You may try to install the DUNE software on your own computer using the skript.

On Ubuntu, Debian and related systems, this requires the following packages:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libtool libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin libsuperlu-dev gfortran libsuitesparse-dev git paraview gmsh


Registration to the excercises works via the MÜSLI system. Please follow the link given here.

The exercises take place in the Computer Pool 3rd Floor, Mathematikon.

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